[Xml-compile] SOAP complexType

Julien.GILLES at sungard.com Julien.GILLES at sungard.com
Fri Mar 25 14:38:53 GMT 2011


I use XML::Compile::SOAP to send request to an external web services,
and I have something strange (well, I am definitively not a SOAP expert,
so perhaps the behavior is correct, and I am wrong...)

In a request, the parameters can contain a 'policy' defined in wsdl  as

  <complexType name="Policy">
         <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <element name="subsetPolicy" type="tns:SubsetPolicy"
minOccurs="0" />
            <element name="modelVersionPolicy"
type="tns:ModelVersionPolicy" minOccurs="0" />
            <element name="descriptorPolicy" type="tns:DescriptorPolicy"
minOccurs="0" />
            <element name="processInstanceDetailsPolicy"
type="tns:ProcessInstanceDetailsPolicy" minOccurs="0" />

I tried using following perl structure:  

  policy => { 
      subsetPolicy => { ... } ,
      modelVersionPolicy => { ... },
      descriptorPolicy => { ... } ,
      processInstanceDetailsPolicy => { ... }

But ended up with : 

trace: available tags are: cho_subsetPolicy
mistake: unused tags descriptorPolicy modelVersionPolicy
processInstanceOid subsetPolicy at ...

Using the explain method : 

   policy =>
    { # sequence of cho_subsetPolicy

      # choice of subsetPolicy, modelVersionPolicy, (...)
      # occurs any number of times
      cho_subsetPolicy => 
      [ {
          # is a baqt:SubsetPolicy
          # is optional
          subsetPolicy =>
          { # sequence of (...) },

          # is a baqt:ModelVersionPolicy
          # is optional
          modelVersionPolicy =>
          { # sequence of restrictedToActiveModel (...) }


So I tried : 

policy => { 
   cho_subsetPolicy => [ { 
      subsetPolicy => {...}
      modelVersionPolicy => { ... },
      descriptorPolicy => { ... } ,
      processInstanceDetailsPolicy => { ... }

No more error, but the sent soap message contain only one choice, one of
subsetPolicy, modelVersionPolicy, descriptorPolicy etc, but not all of

Finally I found the correct syntax : 

policy => { cho_subsetPolicy => [ 
              { subsetPolicy => {...} },
              { modelVersionPolicy => {...} },
              { descriptorPolicy {...} },
              { processInstanceDetailPolicy {...} }

ie an array of hash, with only one key in each hash.

My questions are : 

Why is there a cho_subsetPolicy level ? "cho" is for "choice" I suppose,
and the name is the first element of the choice, but why is this level
necessary ? 

And why the syntax proposed by the explain method is wrong ? 

Julien Gilles.

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