[Xml-compile] Help with compiling serializers and de-serializers

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Mon May 23 21:30:30 GMT 2011

* Bill Moseley (moseley at hank.org) [110523 21:02]:
> > (after waiting half an hour to get Moose installed) I do get a header. My
> > output:
> Moose, yes that can be painful to install.  But, what do you need Moose for?
>  Are you testing with Catalyst?  My example scripts didn't have any
> dependency on Moose.

Data::Visitor::Callback has:

> If you look at the XML example request in my scripts the <Body> is this:
>    <soapenv:Body>
>       <ims:createPersonRequest>
>          <ims:sourcedId>TST_4dd116b66fc61833726232_1234</ims:sourcedId>
> And the <Head> is like this:
>     <soapenv:Header>
>           <ims:imsx_syncRequestHeaderInfo>
>              <ims:imsx_version>V1.2</ims:imsx_version>
> So,  <ims:sourcedId> and <ims:imsx_version> are nested equally which is why
> I was trying that.

The "idea" behind SOAP is

The procedure (operation) name is already fixed at compile time.

> Second:
> my $op = $wsdl->operation( 'createPerson' );
> print $op->explain( $wsdl, PERL => 'INPUT' );
> shows nothing about HeaderInfoParameters.  Should explain also include info
> about the header?

>From my first reply: accidentally missing. Will get fixed.

> > Which version of XML::Compile, ::Cache and ::SOAP do you have?
> XML::Comple: $VERSION = '1.21';
> XML::Compile::SOAP $VERSION = '2.23';

But if I understand the first part of your msg, it works now.


       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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