[Xml-compile] Excluding Elements From a Web Service Reply

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Thu Oct 13 07:51:38 GMT 2011

* Richard Head Jr. (hsomob1999 at yahoo.com) [111013 00:36]:
> my $resp = $call->($req);
> print 'Result: ', $resp->{params}->reply->data->id
> I'd like to write: 
> print 'Result: ', $resp->id
> But in the XSD params is an element and not a type so a typemap won't work. 
> I've also tried hooks fir the params element but they end up either
> wiping out the whole subtree (replace hook) or doing nothing (creating
> an instance of the data class in after hook).

That "params" is on a different level of logic: it's not schema
bassed message processing (where hooks and typemaps can work), but
runtime WSDL interpretation (the "dynamic" name of a message part)

What you can do is:  (untested!)

  my $call;

  { my $c = $wsdl->compileClient(...);
    $call = sub { my ($answer, $trace) = $c->(@_);
                  bless $answer, SomePackage if $answer;
                  wantarray ? ($answer, $trace) : $answer;

  print $call->id;

  package SomePackage;
  sub data() {shift->{params}->reply->data}
  sub id()   {shift->data->id }

(Cleaner to put the $call constructor in SomePackage as well)


       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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