[Xml-compile] error: remote system uses XOP, use XML::Compile::XOP

DEIGNAN Ciaran c.deignan at rsd.com
Tue Aug 14 06:41:41 GMT 2012

Hi All,

I'm just starting with XML::Compile. I want to interface an internal web service, without having to learn any java ;)

I'm just writing tiny test programs to understand how its supposed to work.

Currently I'm getting the error "remote system uses XOP, use XML::Compile::XOP".

It happens even for functions that require no parameters.

In the trace I see that the call is successful (_rc 200). The header of the reply says

Content-Type: application/xop+xml; type="text/xml"; charset=utf-8

The actual data doesn't seem to be in any special binary format, its just standard XML.

Obviously I've tried adding "use XML::Compile::XOP;" at different places in my program

I've also tried passing a parameter with the XOP encoding.

I'm using ActiveState Perl 5.12 with the ppm-installed XML::Compile::SOAP version 2.25.

Any suggestions please?


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