[Xml-compile] Adding HTTP header in SOAP response

Alex Bernier alex.bernier at free.fr
Mon Dec 3 17:23:38 GMT 2012

On Mon, Dec 03, 2012 at 05:34:47PM +0100, Mark Overmeer wrote:
> * Alex Bernier (alex.bernier at free.fr) [121203 15:54]:
> > I plan to implement a SOAP server using XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon. To
> > be compliant with the spec, the server should be able to send a cookie
> > embeeded it in the "Set-Cookie" HTTP response header.
> Never thought of that.  SOAP has other session ideas in its spec, for
> instance via its own header.  And in the daemon context, you have
> a "connection" with multiple request as 1 session.  Anyway...
> > Is it possible to do so using XML::Compile::SOAP::* ? If yes, could
> > you please send me a link to the right place in the documentation or to
> > sample code ?
> Depends on your daemon.  One of the LWP based? 
> ::LWPutil::lwp_run_request has a postproc parameter which can be
> a code-ref, called just before the response is sent.  It is set via
>   ::Daemon::???->new(postprocess => \&post);

Thank you for your answer.  I plan to use the PSGI daemon, because PSGI has the reputation to offer the best performances (am I correct ?).

> It depends on the backend which parameters are passed in.  For LWP:
>   sub post($$$$)
>   {   my ($request, $response, $rc, $ref_body) = @_;
>       ... here you can modify the $response headers (I guess)
>   }

Will it work the same with PSGI ?

Kind regards,


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