[Xml-compile] Re: Generating SOAP responses from 'precanned' XML

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Wed Aug 28 18:59:04 GMT 2013

[please post to the mailinglist]

* Patrick Powell (papowell at astart.com) [130828 18:37]:
> Now I already have the XML,  and want to simply have the
> XML::Compile put the SOAP headers etc on the reply message.
> If you returned an object of some sort,  then the XML::Compile would
> skip the conversion
> into XML and use the value of the object,  or access the value using
> some method to get the data for the SOAP message.

On any complex type, you should be able to provide an XML::LibXML::Element
object, which may already contrain a whole tree of nodes.

Be warned that you cannot reuse XML::LibXML nodes for multiple documents:
it will crash.

Does your schema use Integer or other of these ugly large types?  You
can use sloppy_integer and sloppy_float to avoid them using Math::Big*

       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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