[Xml-compile] RE: decode error

DEIGNAN Ciaran C.DEIGNAN at rsd.com
Fri Jul 19 13:24:29 GMT 2013

Hi Mark,

I just tested with the updated XML::Compile, and it works. I made no modification to my script which immediately beforehand was failing.

Thanks for such a powerful tool.

Ciaran Deignan

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Overmeer [mailto:mark at overmeer.net] 
Sent: vendredi 28 juin 2013 16:19
To: DEIGNAN Ciaran
Cc: 'xml-compile at lists.scsys.co.uk'
Subject: Re: [Xml-compile] RE: decode error

* DEIGNAN Ciaran (C.DEIGNAN at rsd.com) [130628 14:06]:
> The server's response has an error, I'm wondering if I can implement
> a workaround on the client side.
> error: decode error: element `{http://www.rsd.com/public/governanceManager/navigation/v3/schema}contentRepository' not processed for {http://www.rsd.com/public/governanceManager/navigation/v3/schema}getContentRepositoriesResponse/return at /soap:Envelope/soap:Body/a:getContentRepositoriesResponse/return/a:contentRepository[1]

This can also mean that there is an error inside that element.
Try to run with "use Log::Report mode => 'DEBUG';"  and look for
"misfit" messages at the end of the log.

> The problem is that the WSDL says that the reply "contentRepository"
> should be in the namespace
> http://www.rsd.com/public/governanceManager/common/v3/schema.

Often, when one element is broken, the whole tree there-under is
corrupt as well.  But when it is only one element, you could add
form="unqualified" as attribute to its declaration.  To make this
work, you *must* run XML::Compile 1.35, which I have released to
CPAN just a minute ago.

> Apparently other users haven't detected the error.

Many implementations ignore namespaces, because they do not understand
their importance.

> Is there a flag to be more approximate ? Magic pixie dust?

The existence of such flags in other tools are the reason for so
many broken schemas ;-)  Kick your developers to fix their schema!


       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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