[Xml-compile] XML::Compile::WSDL11 async - HTTP headers modification

Roman Daniel roman.daniel at davosro.cz
Thu Nov 13 19:01:24 GMT 2014

Hi Mark,

I use XML::Compile::WSDL11 with an asynchronous transport. I need to
pass some HTTP headers with the calls. I don't mean "static" headers
like basic auth but headers which can change from call to call. For
example message-id (known before SOAP call)  to identify my request at
the server side.

I was looking for a way how to convert a data for an operation into
HTTP::Request and back how to convert HTTP::Response to response data.
Having it I could add the header to request, and send it. But I was
not successfull with extracting the functionality from

Then I found a very different solution, slightly wild and dependent on
XML::Compile::SOAP implementation, but simple. I use my own transport
- modification of XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP_AnyEvent. But
instead of calling AnyEvent::HTTP::http_request at the end of the
transport I just return the $request and $handler (callback) together
as a hash { request => $request, cb => $handler }.

And since this return is the last call in transport and the $transport
call is the last call of async soap in XML::Compile::SOAP::Client

$transport->($req, $trace, $mtom
          , sub { $callback->($output_handler->(@_)) }

I get my $request and $cb from $client->($data) call. Then I can
modify headers and send the request via AnyEvent::HTTP. Of course I
know that this $transport->(...) call is not supposed to return a
value and an empty return after it would destroy my implementation.

What do you think about it? Is there any other solution?

Thanks for reply,

Roman Daniel

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