[Xml-compile] XML::Compile::WSS - Declaring KeyInfo $schema->writer for X509IssuerSerial block

James Moore webtechhq at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 17:51:40 GMT 2016

Hi Mark,

I am implementing XML::Compile::WSS and the API I am working with expects
the header to contain a SecurityTokenReference with
X509Data/X509IssuerSerial block.


XML::Compile::WSS::KeyInfo provides three methods for publish_token
(KEYNAME, SECTOKREF_KEYID, SECTOKREF_URI).  Unfortunately, none of these
produce the KeyInfo block in the way desired.  So, I have tried my hand at
creating schema->writer(s).

The issue I am encountering is referencing the element types for
X509IssuerName and X509SerialNumber as they are elements in a complexType
(X509IssuerSerial) under the main X509Data block that do not have a
corresponding element (i.e. X509Data => ds:X509DataType).  As a result,
attempts to create schema->writer for these elements fail:

my $x509w = $schema->writer('ds:X509Data');
## works correctly

my $x509isw = $schema->writer('ds:X509IssuerSerial');
## returns error: cannot find element or attribute `{
http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#}X509IssuerSerial' at ds:X509IssuerSerial

my $x509inw = $schema->writer('ds:X509IssuerName');
## returns error: cannot find element or attribute `{
http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#}X509IssuerName' at ds:X509IssuerName

Reviewing the methods for publishing the token, it seems to be just a
matter of creating writers for each element and passing them to writers for
their parent elements.  Using 'seq_ds_X509IssuerSerial' I can reference
that element in X509DataType but I'm not sure how to construct writers for
elements under X509IssuerSerialType without the corresponding element.

As this is part of the specification, I imagine it has come up before and I
am just overlooking the solution.  I appreciate your feedback and a big
"Thank You" for developing this great suite of modules.

Best regards,
James Moore
webtechhq at gmail.com
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