[Xml-compile] XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP_MojoUA very outdated (Mojo::Promise patch and further questions) !

Skale Franz franz.skale at citycom-austria.com
Fri Dec 14 11:23:21 GMT 2018

Hi Mark,

this is my first post.

I'm using your XML::Compile (superb) Library quite a long time now, and stumpled upon

XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP_MojoUA last year.

It's very outdated so i patched it to use Mojo::Promise and Mojo::IOLoop::Delay to get flow control over the use of Non-Blocking I/O.

The current release don't take advantage of the latest version of Mojolicious which has got improvements over the last 2 years !

Perhaps you want consider an update to use promises and the delay loop ?

Anyhow, right now, i patched the version you provide and added:

_prepare_call sync req:

# async call
  sub {
    my ($content, $trace, $mtom, $callback) = @_;
    my $promise = Mojo::IOLoop->delay;

start ua (promises):

      $tx => sub {
        my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
        my $err = $tx->error;
        $promise->resolve($tx) if !$err || $err->{code};
  return $promise;


Demo script (HWG SMS Modem):

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use Mojo::Base -strict;

use Mojo::Util qw(dumper b64_encode);
use Mojo::IOLoop::Delay;
use XML::Compile::WSDL11;
use XML::Compile::SOAP11;    # use SOAP version 1.1
use XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP_MojoUA;

#use Log::Report mode => 'DEBUG';    # or 'VERBOSE'

sub soap {
  my $username      = q{api};
  my $password      = q{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx};
  my $authorization = sprintf("Basic %s", b64_encode(qq{$username:$password}));
  my $wsdl  = XML::Compile::WSDL11->new(q{/etc/hwg-sms-gateway/wsdl/hwg.wsdl});
  my $trans = XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP_MojoUA->new(
    connect_timeout => 2,
    request_timeout => 2,
    address         => q{}
  return $wsdl->compileCalls(
    transport     => $trans,
    async         => 1,
    method        => q{POST},
    user_agent    => qq{SMS-Agent/1.0},
    authorization => $authorization

sub start {
  my $wsdl = soap();
  my $d    = Mojo::IOLoop::Delay->new;

    sub {
      my $delay   = shift;
      my $cb      = $delay->begin;
      my $promise = $wsdl->call(
        QueueStatus => {
          Queue     => q{GsmIn},
          _callback => sub {
            my ($xmlout, $trace) = @_;
      $promise->then(sub {
        my $promise = shift;
      })->catch(sub {
        my $err = shift;
        printf(STDERR "ERROR: %s\n", dumper $err);

    sub {
      my ($delay, $result) = @_;
      printf("DELAY LAST RECEIVED: %s\n", dumper $result);




  "response" => {
    "Cnt" => 0,
    "IdSet" => {},
    "Max" => 25,
    "Missed" => 0,
    "Rslt" => 0

I would be great to have a state of the art version of this module.

What i also needs is a option (extra_opts) to add custom headers to the request which can be parsed by the Mojo::Promise object.

When using multiple concurrent promises, you cannot tell what have been called but to examine $tx-res->headers !

Which i did, i use it in a production env for one year now.

To be consistent, i only wanted to inform you about the changes in Mojolicious and what can be accomplished nowadways.

Kind regards Franz
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