[Catalyst] old versions of Catalyst on CPAN
Jonathan Rockway
jon at jrock.us
Sun Dec 3 10:03:13 GMT 2006
On Sunday 03 December 2006 03:27, Sebastian Riedel wrote:
> Jonathan Rockway wrote:
> > Is anyone confused by the old versions of Catalyst on CPAN?
> >
> > Everything I hear says yes, but the author of the old versions wishes to
> > have a public discussion before deleting the modules.
> You misunderstood me there, i will not delete the old versions since i
> like being able to link directly to old versions of modules like this.
> (which i did quite a lot)
> http://cpansearch.perl.org/~sri/Catalyst-3.00/lib/Catalyst.pm
The question I have is why are you linking to Catalyst 3.00? If there's
something you want to point to from another document (resume? blog?), then
perhaps you should just post it on your own website? Then you can put it in
a "look at this code I wrote, it's interesting" context instead of "download
this, newbie!" context. The CPAN is about community, so it's better to
respect the wishes of the community rather than your own personal tastes.
I personally consider having any version other than the latest available on
CPAN a bug. I don't want to waste the mirror's space (these people are
mirroring CPAN for free; I want it to be easy for them), nor do I want to
confuse people looking for the version they should be starting with.
Advanced users know to look for old versions on the backpan. Readers of your
blog or whatever would appreciate that you just cite code in an inline
snippet rather than via a link to the CPAN. Everyone wins. :)
Jonathan Rockway
package JAPH;use Catalyst qw/-Debug/;($;=JAPH)->config(name => do {
$,.=reverse qw[Jonathan tsu rehton lre rekca Rockway][$_].[split //,
";$;"]->[$_].q; ;for 1..4;$,=~s;^.;;;$,});$;->setup;
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