[Catalyst] SchemaLoader?

Octavian Rasnita orasnita at gmail.com
Mon Dec 25 05:45:57 GMT 2006

From: "Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior" <acid06 at gmail.com>

> These errors are not usually errors per se - just warnings. And
> everything ends up working correctly. Either way, reinstalling a newer
> DBI version should do away with some of those.


I've made a mistake. I thought that if I could use ppm install [module], I 
could also use cpan install [module], without starting the cpan> shell first 
(so in fact I was trying to install the module "install".

Anyway, if I try to install DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader correctly, it tells 
that it is already installed.
I have also tried to install DBI from cpan, but I have the latest version.

After running the helper application:

perl script/tranzactiibursiere_create.pl model AnotherDB DBIC::Schema 
TranzactiiBursiere::AnotherDB create=static dbi:mysql:database=intranet root

it still gives that warning, and it doesn't create anything.
It doesn't create

When I have tried the same command under Linux, it worked well.

I have also tried to rename that module and to re-install it using cpan. It 
was reinstalled, but when running the Catalyst helper, it gives the same 

I have also tried running that command in TextPad editor command line, and 
TextPad made that kind of sound it use to make when there is an error and 
not a warning, so I think that it is an error and not a warning.

I have also reinstalled

but with no effect.

Can you tell me what version of perl do you have? I use ActivePerl 5.8.8 
build 819.

I think I might need to reinstall Catalyst...



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