[Catalyst] Problem with Catalyst Authorization
hlampert at earthlink.net
hlampert at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 23 19:07:25 CEST 2006
Hello Matt,
I apologize for writing to you directly, but I can not post to the Catalyst mailing list from work - my relayed e-mails are rejected by the mail server.
I notice you post a lot on the mailing list and was wondering if you could help me with a problem I am having getting DBIx::Class based authorization to work. I believe I have set everything up correctly for role based authorization and authentication works fine, however when I try to call $c->assert_user_roles I get an error. I have spent days digging into the DBIx::Class code - if I can't figure it out soon I will be forced to write my own authorization code, which of course I would prefer not to do.
My Application's name is LBBWCompliance. I am running Catalyst 5.65 on a Windows based system using the PPM's available from the repositories of ActiveState , The University of Winnipeg, and ngmedia.net. The error I get is:
Caught exception in LBBWCompliance::Controller::Authentication->login "Tried to insert non-reference in a Set::Object at C:/Perl/site/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Store/DBIC/User.pm line 65."
The complete error page is included below.
The model used for authorization (LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData) is built on Catalyst::Model::DBIC, and therefore the classes are automatically defined based on DBIx::Class::Loader. I understand DBIx::Class:Schema is now in vogue, but I do not have access to the schema variant of the model in a PPM. I'm thinking this might be causing my problem, but I'm hoping not.
When I enable SQL tracing, I see the debug segment listed below in the console window. The queries with the JOIN conditions appear to be correct and return good results when run in the SQL query analyzer.
Further analyzing the problem, the line that raises the error, line 65 in User.pm (in the check_roles subroutine) says:
my $have = Set::Object->new( $self->roles( @wanted_roles ) );
The called $self->roles method has a lot of stuff but basically comes down to the DBIC code. I believe the problem is caused by the mapping in the return statement, but I have no easy way to trace this:
sub roles {
<code deleted>
# optimized join if using DBIC
if (Scalar::Util::blessed($cfg->{role_class})) {
my $search = {
$cfg->{role_rel} . '.' . $cfg->{user_role_user_field}
=> $self->obj->id
if ( @wanted_roles ) {
$search->{ 'me.' . $role_field } = {
-in => \@wanted_roles
my $rs = $cfg->{role_class}->search(
{ join => $cfg->{role_rel},
cols => [ 'me.' . $role_field ],
return map { $_->$role_field } $rs->all;
<code deleted>
If you could point me in the direction of solving this problem, I would be much obliged!
Hugh Lampert
hlampert at earthlink.net
Debug segment:
[Thu Jun 22 16:21:53 2006] [catalyst] [info] LBBWCompliance powered by Catalyst
You can connect to your server at http://ny500337:3000
SELECT me.employeeID, me.password FROM Users me WHERE ( employeeID = ? ): `40'
SELECT me.employeeID, me.password FROM Users me WHERE ( employeeID = ? ): `40'
SELECT me.RoleCode FROM Roles me LEFT JOIN UserRoles UserRoles ON ( UserRoles.ro
leID = me.RoleID ) WHERE ( UserRoles.employeeID = ? AND me.RoleCode IN ( ? ) ):
`40', `admin'
SELECT me.RoleCode FROM Roles me LEFT JOIN UserRoles UserRoles ON ( UserRoles.ro
leID = me.RoleID ) WHERE ( UserRoles.employeeID = ? AND me.RoleCode IN ( ? ) ):
`40', `user'
SELECT me.RoleCode FROM Roles me LEFT JOIN UserRoles UserRoles ON ( UserRoles.ro
leID = me.RoleID ) WHERE ( UserRoles.employeeID = ? AND me.RoleCode IN ( ? ) ):
`40', `user'
[Thu Jun 22 16:22:03 2006] [catalyst] [debug] **********************************
[Thu Jun 22 16:22:03 2006] [catalyst] [debug] * Request 1 (0.071/s) [1592]
[Thu Jun 22 16:22:03 2006] [catalyst] [debug] **********************************
[Thu Jun 22 16:22:03 2006] [catalyst] [debug] Body Parameters are:
| Key | Value |
| employeeID | 40 |
| password | test |
| submit | Submit |
[Thu Jun 22 16:22:03 2006] [catalyst] [debug] "POST" request for "authentication
/login" from ""
[Thu Jun 22 16:22:03 2006] [catalyst] [debug] Path is "authentication/login"
[Thu Jun 22 16:22:03 2006] [catalyst] [debug] action namespace 'authentication',
action authentication/login
[Thu Jun 22 16:22:03 2006] [catalyst] [debug] employeeID: '40', password:'test'
[Thu Jun 22 16:22:03 2006] [catalyst] [debug] employee Last: 'Adams IV', employe
e First:'William'
[Thu Jun 22 16:22:03 2006] [catalyst] [debug] Created session "b782d2edb78226908
[Thu Jun 22 16:22:03 2006] [catalyst] [debug] Successfully authenticated user 'C
[Thu Jun 22 16:22:03 2006] [catalyst] [debug] Debug1
[Thu Jun 22 16:22:03 2006] [catalyst] [debug] userCatalyst::Plugin::Authenticati
[Thu Jun 22 16:22:03 2006] [catalyst] [debug] Rendering template "LBBWCompliance
[Thu Jun 22 16:22:05 2006] [catalyst] [error] Caught exception in LBBWCompliance
::Controller::Authentication->login "Tried to insert non-reference in a Set::Obj
ect at C:/Perl/site/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Store/DBIC/User.pm line 6
[Thu Jun 22 16:22:05 2006] [catalyst] [info] Request took 1.937513s (0.516/s)
| Action | Time |
| /auto | 0.001370s |
| /authentication/auto | 0.037179s |
| /authentication/login | 0.067444s |
| /end | 0.343466s |
| -> LBBWCompliance::View::TToolkit->process | 0.341029s |
Here is the relevant section from my LBBWCompliance.pm file:
package LBBWCompliance;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use LBBWCompliance::Utility::LBBWComplianceDBIO;
# Set flags and add plugins for the application
# -Debug: activates the debug mode for very useful log messages
# Static::Simple: will serve static files from the application's root
# directory
use Catalyst qw(-Debug
Authorization::Roles );
our $VERSION = '0.01';
# Start the application
__PACKAGE__->config(name => 'LBBW Compliance',
defaultStyleSheet => '/css/LBBWStyle.css',
application => 'LBBW Compliance',
'View::TToolkit' => {'INCLUDE_PATH' => __PACKAGE__->path_to('templates')},
authentication => {'dbic' => {user_class =>
user_field => 'employeeID',
password_field => 'password',
password_type=> 'clear',
password_hash_type => 'SHA-1'
authorization => {'dbic' => {role_class =>
role_field => 'RoleCode',
role_rel => 'UserRoles',
user_role_user_field => 'employeeID'}},
session => {expires => 3600,
storage => '/tmp/session'}
# set the role to userRole mapping relationship for authorization.
->has_many(UserRoles => 'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::UserRoles','roleID');
->has_many(UserRoles => 'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::UserRoles','employeeID');
Here is the relevant section from Authentication.pm:
# try to log in
if ($c->login($employeeID, $password)) {
$c->stash->{loginMessage} = "Successful login for '$empLast, $empFirst'."
. ($c->check_user_roles('admin') ? "as Admin." : "")
. ($c->check_user_roles('user') ? "as User." : "");
$c->log->debug("Debug" . $c->debug);
$c->log->debug("user" . $c->user);
my $temp = $c->check_user_roles("user");
$c->log->debug("authorization: $temp");
$c->log->debug("authorization: ".
($c->check_user_roles('admin') ? "Admin." : "not Admin ").
($c->check_user_roles('user') ? "User." : "not User"));
$c->stash->{template} = 'LBBWComplianceLogin.tt2';
# set session ok
} # if ($c->login($user, $password))
else {
$c->stash->{loginMessage} = "Incorrect password entered for selected user ".
"'$empLast, $empFirst'.<br /> Please try again.";
$c->stash->{template} = 'LBBWComplianceLogin.tt2';
} # else of if ($c->login($employeeID, $password))
Here is the complete error output:
Caught exception in LBBWCompliance::Controller::Authentication->login "Tried to insert non-reference in a Set::Object at C:/Perl/site/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Store/DBIC/User.pm line 65."
bless( {
'protocol' => 'HTTP/1.0',
'headers' => bless( {
'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060508 Firefox/',
'connection' => 'keep-alive',
'keep-alive' => '300',
'accept' => 'text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5',
'accept-language' => 'en-us,en;q=0.5',
'accept-encoding' => 'gzip,deflate',
'content-length' => '41',
'host' => 'ny500337:3000',
'accept-charset' => 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7',
'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'referer' => 'http://ny500337:3000/'
}, 'HTTP::Headers' ),
'snippets' => [],
'body_parameters' => {
'password' => 'test',
'employeeID' => '40',
'submit' => 'Submit'
'secure' => 0,
'hostname' => 'ny500196.lbbwus.int',
'uploads' => {},
'user' => bless( {
'obj' => bless( {
'result_source' => bless( {
'resultset_attributes' => {},
'result_class' => 'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::Users',
'name' => 'Users',
'schema' => bless( {
'class_mappings' => {
'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::Users' => 'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::Users',
'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::UserRoles' => 'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::UserRoles',
'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::Roles' => 'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::Roles'
'source_registrations' => {
'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::Users' => $VAR1->{'user'}{'obj'}{'result_source'},
'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::UserRoles' => bless( {
'resultset_attributes' => {},
'result_class' => 'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::UserRoles',
'name' => 'UserRoles',
'schema' => $VAR1->{'user'}{'obj'}{'result_source'}{'schema'},
'_relationships' => {},
'_columns_info_loaded' => 1,
'_ordered_columns' => [
'_primaries' => [
'_resultset' => undef,
'resultset_class' => 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet',
'_unique_constraints' => {
'primary' => $VAR1->{'user'}{'obj'}{'result_source'}{'schema'}{'source_registrations'}{'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::UserRoles'}{'_primaries'}
'_columns' => {
'employeeID' => {},
'roleID' => {}
}, 'DBIx::Class::ResultSource::Table' ),
'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::Roles' => bless( {
'resultset_attributes' => {},
'result_class' => 'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::Roles',
'name' => 'Roles',
'schema' => $VAR1->{'user'}{'obj'}{'result_source'}{'schema'},
'_relationships' => {
'UserRoles' => {
'cond' => {
'foreign.roleID' => 'self.RoleID'
'source' => 'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::UserRoles',
'attrs' => {
'join_type' => 'LEFT',
'cascade_copy' => 1,
'cascade_delete' => 1,
'accessor' => 'multi'
'class' => 'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::UserRoles'
'_columns_info_loaded' => 1,
'_ordered_columns' => [
'_primaries' => [
'_resultset' => undef,
'resultset_class' => 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet',
'_unique_constraints' => {
'primary' => $VAR1->{'user'}{'obj'}{'result_source'}{'schema'}{'source_registrations'}{'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::Roles'}{'_primaries'}
'_columns' => {
'RoleID' => {},
'RoleDesc' => {},
'RoleCode' => {}
}, 'DBIx::Class::ResultSource::Table' )
'storage' => bless( {
'debugfh' => bless( \*Symbol::GEN2, 'IO::File' ),
'cursor' => 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Cursor',
'_conn_pid' => 1592,
'transaction_depth' => 0,
'connect_info' => [
'dbi:ADO:Provider=SQLOLEDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=LBBWCompliance;Data Source=NYSRV2K08',
'AutoCommit' => 1
'_dbh' => bless( {}, 'DBI::db' ),
'debug' => 1,
'_sql_maker' => bless( {
'cmp' => '=',
'quote_char' => '',
'limit_dialect' => $VAR1->{'user'}{'obj'}{'result_source'}{'schema'}{'storage'}{'_dbh'},
'bindtype' => 'normal'
}, 'DBIC::SQL::Abstract' )
}, 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI' )
}, 'DBIx::Class::Schema' ),
'_relationships' => {
'UserRoles' => {
'cond' => {
'foreign.employeeID' => 'self.employeeID'
'source' => 'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::UserRoles',
'attrs' => {
'join_type' => 'LEFT',
'cascade_copy' => 1,
'cascade_delete' => 1,
'accessor' => 'multi'
'class' => 'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::UserRoles'
'_columns_info_loaded' => 1,
'_ordered_columns' => [
'_primaries' => [
'_resultset' => undef,
'resultset_class' => 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet',
'_unique_constraints' => {
'primary' => $VAR1->{'user'}{'obj'}{'result_source'}{'_primaries'}
'_columns' => {
'password' => {},
'employeeID' => {}
}, 'DBIx::Class::ResultSource::Table' ),
'_in_storage' => 1,
'_column_data' => {
'password' => 'test',
'employeeID' => 40
}, 'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::Users' ),
'store' => bless( {
'auth' => {
'user_field' => [
'catalyst_user_class' => 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC::User',
'password_type' => 'clear',
'password_field' => 'password',
'password_hash_type' => 'SHA-1',
'user_class' => bless( {
'cond' => undef,
'result_class' => 'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::Users',
'attrs' => {
'seen_join' => {},
'as' => [
'from' => [
'me' => 'Users'
'collapse' => {},
'order_by' => [],
'alias' => 'me',
'select' => [
'count' => undef,
'page' => undef,
'from' => $VAR1->{'user'}{'store'}{'auth'}{'user_class'}{'attrs'}{'from'},
'result_source' => $VAR1->{'user'}{'obj'}{'result_source'},
'collapse' => $VAR1->{'user'}{'store'}{'auth'}{'user_class'}{'attrs'}{'collapse'},
'pager' => undef
}, 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet' )
'authz' => {
'role_rel' => 'UserRoles',
'role_class' => bless( {
'cond' => undef,
'result_class' => 'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::Roles',
'attrs' => {
'seen_join' => {},
'as' => [
'from' => [
'me' => 'Roles'
'collapse' => {},
'order_by' => [],
'alias' => 'me',
'select' => [
'count' => undef,
'page' => undef,
'from' => $VAR1->{'user'}{'store'}{'authz'}{'role_class'}{'attrs'}{'from'},
'result_source' => $VAR1->{'user'}{'obj'}{'result_source'}{'schema'}{'source_registrations'}{'LBBWCompliance::Model::LBBWComplianceData::Roles'},
'collapse' => $VAR1->{'user'}{'store'}{'authz'}{'role_class'}{'attrs'}{'collapse'},
'pager' => undef
}, 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet' ),
'role_field' => 'RoleCode',
'user_role_user_field' => 'employeeID',
'user_role_role_field' => 'RoleCode'
}, 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC::Backend' ),
'config' => {
'authz' => $VAR1->{'user'}{'store'}{'authz'},
'auth' => $VAR1->{'user'}{'store'}{'auth'}
'id' => '40'
}, 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC::User' ),
'method' => 'POST',
'address' => '',
'base' => bless( do{\(my $o = 'http://ny500337:3000/')}, 'URI::http' ),
'cookies' => {},
'match' => 'authentication/login',
'path' => 'authentication/login',
'uri' => bless( do{\(my $o = 'http://ny500337:3000/authentication/login')}, 'URI::http' ),
'query_parameters' => {},
'parameters' => {
'password' => 'test',
'employeeID' => '40',
'submit' => 'Submit'
'action' => 'authentication/login',
'arguments' => []
}, 'Catalyst::Request' )
bless( {
'body' => '<!-- Begin LBBW Header template -->
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/LBBWStyle.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/login.css" type="text/css" />
<div class="header">
<table class="headerTable">
<td class="headerTableData" colspan="3">
<img width="185" height="23" id="_x0000_i1025"
src="/static/images/lbbwny_simple_mid.gif" align=absBottom border=0 />
<td class="headerTableDataAppName">
LBBW Compliance
<td class="headerTableDataScreenName">
< Log In >
<td class="headerTableDataUserName">
Adams IV, William
<br /><br />
</div> <!-- class="header -->
<!-- End LBBW Header Template -->
<!-- $VAR1 = [<br>
bless( {<br>
\'result_source\' => bless( {<br>
\'resultset_attributes\' => {},<br>
\'result_class\' => \'LBBWCompliance::Model::humanResources::usr_Employees\',<br>
\'name\' => \'usr_Employees\',<br>
\'schema\' => \'LBBWCompliance::Model::humanResources\',<br>
\'_relationships\' => {},<br>
\'_columns_info_loaded\' => 0,<br>
\'_ordered_columns\' => [<br>
\'[Employee ID]\',<br>
\'[Payroll Number]\',<br>
\'[Employee Last Name]\',<br>
\'[Employee First Name]\',<br>
\'[Employee SSN]\',<br>
\'[Head Office Employee No]\',<br>
\'[Employee Date of Birth]\',<br>
\'[Name of Next of Kin]\',<br>
\'[Telephone Number of NOK]\',<br>
\'[Relationship to NOK]\',<br>
\'[Date of Employment]\',<br>
\'[Business Phone]\',<br>
\'[Phone Extension]\',<br>
\'[Business Cell Phone]\',<br>
\'[Vacation Limit]\',<br>
\'[Termination Date]\',<br>
\'[NT Login Name]\'<br>
\'_primaries\' => [<br>
\'[Employee ID]\'<br>
\'_resultset\' => undef,<br>
\'resultset_class\' => \'DBIx::Class::ResultSet\',<br>
\'_unique_constraints\' => {<br>
\'primary\' => $VAR1->[0]{\'result_source\'}{\'_primaries\'}<br>
\'_columns\' => {<br>
\'[Employee Last Name]\' => {},<br>
\'[State]\' => {},<br>
\'[Function]\' => {},<br>
\'[Address2]\' => {},<br>
\'[Business Phone]\' => {},<br>
\'[Head Office Employee No]\' => {},<br>
\'[Payroll Number]\' => {},<br>
\'[City]\' => {},<br>
\'[Employee First Name]\' => {},<br>
\'[Employee Date of Birth]\' => {},<br>
\'[Name of Next of Kin]\' => {},<br>
\'[Employee SSN]\' => {},<br>
\'[Zipcode]\' => {},<br>
\'[Termination Date]\' => {},<br>
\'[Address1]\' => {},<br>
\'[Department]\' => {},<br>
\'[Business Cell Phone]\' => {},<br>
\'[Date of Employment]\' => {},<br>
\'[E-mail]\' => {},<br>
\'[Phone Extension]\' => {},<br>
\'[Relationship to NOK]\' => {},<br>
\'[Telephone Number of NOK]\' => {},<br>
\'[Vacation Limit]\' => {},<br>
\'[ADP]\' => {},<br>
\'[NT Login Name]\' => {},<br>
\'[Telephone]\' => {},<br>
\'[Employee ID]\' => {},<br>
\'[Title]\' => {},<br>
\'[Country]\' => {}<br>
}, \'DBIx::Class::ResultSource::Table\' ),<br>
\'_in_storage\' => 1,<br>
\'_column_data\' => {<br>
\'TerminationDate\' => undef,<br>
\'EmployeeLastName\' => \'Adams IV\',<br>
\'EmployeeFirstName\' => \'William\',<br>
\'EmployeeID\' => 40<br>
}, \'LBBWCompliance::Model::humanResources::usr_Employees\' ),<br>
<Employee data deleted>
<div class="login_area">
<h2>Successful login for \'Adams IV, William\'.</h2>
<form action="/authentication/login" method="post">
<span class="loginTitles">
<div class="row">
<span class="label"><h1>Please Log In:</h1></span>
<div class="row">
<span class="label">User Name:</span>
<span class="formControls">
<select name="employeeID">
<option value="40" selected>
Adams IV
, William
<other employee data deleted>
</span> <!-- class="formControls" -->
</div> <!-- class="row" -->
<div class="row">
<span class="label">Password:</span>
<span class="formControls">
<input type="password" name="password" />
</div> <!-- class="row" -->
<div class="loginButtons">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
<!-- <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Change Password" /> -->
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Create User" />
</div> <!-- class="loginButtons" -->
</span> <!-- class="loginTitles" -->
</div> <!-- class="login_area" -->
<!-- BEGIN LBBW Footer template -->
<div id="footer">
<!-- END LBBW Footer template -->',
'cookies' => {},
'headers' => bless( {
'content-type' => 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
'x-catalyst' => '5.65'
}, 'HTTP::Headers' ),
'status' => 200
}, 'Catalyst::Response' )
'employeeFirstName' => 'William',
'employeeLastName' => 'Adams IV',
'employeeID' => '40',
'template' => 'LBBWComplianceLogin.tt2',
'HREmployees' => bless( {
'cond' => {
'[Termination Date]' => \'IS NULL'
'result_class' => 'LBBWCompliance::Model::humanResources::usr_Employees',
'attrs' => {
'seen_join' => {},
'order_by' => [
'[Employee Last Name]'
'where' => $VAR1->{'HREmployees'}{'cond'},
'as' => [
'from' => [
'me' => 'usr_Employees'
'collapse' => {},
'alias' => 'me',
'select' => [
'[Employee ID]',
'[Employee First Name]',
'[Employee Last Name]',
'[Termination Date]'
'count' => undef,
'cursor' => bless( {
'attrs' => {
'seen_join' => $VAR1->{'HREmployees'}{'attrs'}{'seen_join'},
'order_by' => $VAR1->{'HREmployees'}{'attrs'}{'order_by'},
'where' => $VAR1->{'HREmployees'}{'cond'},
'as' => $VAR1->{'HREmployees'}{'attrs'}{'as'},
'from' => $VAR1->{'HREmployees'}{'attrs'}{'from'},
'collapse' => $VAR1->{'HREmployees'}{'attrs'}{'collapse'},
'alias' => 'me',
'select' => $VAR1->{'HREmployees'}{'attrs'}{'select'}
'pid' => 1592,
'args' => [
'pos' => 0,
'storage' => bless( {
'_conn_pid' => 1592,
'connect_info' => [
'dbi:ADO:Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=HR;Data Source=NYSRV2K08',
'TraceLevel' => 0,
'ShowErrorStatement' => 1,
'RaiseError' => 1,
'PrintError' => 0
'debugfh' => bless( \*Symbol::GEN1, 'IO::File' ),
'transaction_depth' => 0,
'cursor' => 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Cursor',
'_dbh' => bless( {}, 'DBI::db' ),
'_sql_maker' => bless( {
'cmp' => '=',
'quote_char' => '',
'limit_dialect' => $VAR1->{'HREmployees'}{'cursor'}{'storage'}{'_dbh'},
'bindtype' => 'normal'
}, 'DBIC::SQL::Abstract' )
}, 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI' )
}, 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Cursor' ),
'page' => undef,
'from' => $VAR1->{'HREmployees'}{'attrs'}{'from'},
'result_source' => bless( {
'resultset_attributes' => {},
'result_class' => 'LBBWCompliance::Model::humanResources::usr_Employees',
'name' => 'usr_Employees',
'schema' => 'LBBWCompliance::Model::humanResources',
'_relationships' => {},
'_columns_info_loaded' => 0,
'_ordered_columns' => [
'[Employee ID]',
'[Payroll Number]',
'[Employee Last Name]',
'[Employee First Name]',
'[Employee SSN]',
'[Head Office Employee No]',
'[Employee Date of Birth]',
'[Name of Next of Kin]',
'[Telephone Number of NOK]',
'[Relationship to NOK]',
'[Date of Employment]',
'[Business Phone]',
'[Phone Extension]',
'[Business Cell Phone]',
'[Vacation Limit]',
'[Termination Date]',
'[NT Login Name]'
'_primaries' => [
'[Employee ID]'
'_resultset' => undef,
'resultset_class' => 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet',
'_unique_constraints' => {
'primary' => $VAR1->{'HREmployees'}{'result_source'}{'_primaries'}
'_columns' => {
'[Employee Last Name]' => {},
'[State]' => {},
'[Function]' => {},
'[Address2]' => {},
'[Business Phone]' => {},
'[Head Office Employee No]' => {},
'[Payroll Number]' => {},
'[City]' => {},
'[Employee First Name]' => {},
'[Employee Date of Birth]' => {},
'[Name of Next of Kin]' => {},
'[Employee SSN]' => {},
'[Zipcode]' => {},
'[Termination Date]' => {},
'[Address1]' => {},
'[Department]' => {},
'[Business Cell Phone]' => {},
'[Date of Employment]' => {},
'[E-mail]' => {},
'[Phone Extension]' => {},
'[Relationship to NOK]' => {},
'[Telephone Number of NOK]' => {},
'[Vacation Limit]' => {},
'[ADP]' => {},
'[NT Login Name]' => {},
'[Telephone]' => {},
'[Employee ID]' => {},
'[Title]' => {},
'[Country]' => {}
}, 'DBIx::Class::ResultSource::Table' ),
'collapse' => $VAR1->{'HREmployees'}{'attrs'}{'collapse'},
'pager' => undef
}, 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet' ),
'loginMessage' => 'Successful login for \'Adams IV, William\'.'
Session ID
'__user_store' => 'default',
'__address' => '',
'__user' => '40',
'__created' => 1151007723,
'__expires' => 1151011324,
'__updated' => 1151007724
LBBWCompliance on Catalyst 5.65
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