[Catalyst] Newbie needs help with tutorial
catalyst.20.chsg at spamgourmet.com
catalyst.20.chsg at spamgourmet.com
Fri Nov 3 21:14:23 GMT 2006
Thanks for the replies. I found the problem (I was actually missing a
second colon - DBIx::Class::Schema).
But above that, I'm most grateful for the nudge towards using the perl
debugger and the explanation of the "(eval 99)" statement in the
error. Doubtless these will help me in the future, too.
Thanks again everyone.
On 11/3/06, Jonathan Rockway - jon at jrock.us
<+catalyst+chsg+b6fe5abd69.jon#jrock.us at spamgourmet.com> wrote:
> > $ script/myapp_server.pl
> > Couldn't instantiate component "MyApp::Model::MyAppDB", "Cannot load
> > schema class 'MyAppDB': syntax error at (eval 99) line 1, near "require
> > DBIx::Class:"
> Looks like you have a colon after DBIx::Class instead of a semicolon.
> If you need more details about exactly where the problem is, run your
> app under the perl debugger (perl -d script/myapp_server.pl). A lot of
> Perl programmers tend to ignore the debugger, but it's there for a
> reason and offers everything you would expect from a debugger --
> breakpoints, watchpoints, stack traces, injecting code into a running
> script, etc. There's a chapter about it in my upcoming book :) but for
> now, take a look at the perldebug manual page and feel free to ask any
> questions you have.
> Regards,
> Jonathan Rockway
> --
> package JAPH;use Catalyst qw/-Debug/;($;=JAPH)->config(name => do {
> $,.=reverse qw[Jonathan tsu rehton lre rekca Rockway][$_].[split //,
> ";$;"]->[$_].q; ;for 1..4;$,=~s;^.;;;$,});$;->setup;
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