[Catalyst] NEXT vs SUPER in the catalyst handle_request cycle
Michael Reece
mreece at vinq.com
Tue Nov 21 17:15:59 GMT 2006
retracing my steps, i see that NEXT works for all of the methods i
listed except 'forward'.
sub forward {
my $c = shift;
my $action = shift;
local $" = ", ";
my @args = (@_ and ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') ? @{ $_[0] } : ();
$c->timer(2, "Forward to " . (ref($action) || $action) .
(@args ? "(@args)" : ''));
return $c->NEXT::forward($action, @_);
with that, i get
[debug] "GET" request for "/" from "x.x.x.x"
[debug] Found sessionid "d4a42345c52677ec5e5ded26790e91edd4389287" in
[debug] Restored session "d4a42345c52677ec5e5ded26790e91edd4389287"
[info] Request took 0.018640s (53.648/s)
| Action |
Time |
but if i s/NEXT/SUPER/, then it works as expected.
> Then again, I never use the debugger, I'm of the "you can have
> (printf|warn) when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers" debugging
> school :)
that it my usual method and works great for in-house code, but
copying CPAN modules into my personal lib directories so i can fill
them with warn statements has its own annoyances, so sometimes i
resort to the debugger using the guidance of
On Nov 21, 2006, at 7:21 AM, Matt S Trout wrote:
> Michael Reece wrote:
>> i will, but not until the warnings in Catalyst::Plugin::C3 are
>> less foreboding.
> They're unlikely to get any less foreboding unless people test it
> and report back - you could at least *try* loading it and provide
> the results ...
>> but let's pretend i am talking about Class::C3 instead; my
>> question still stands.
>> should i just call next::method in all cases, or is it only
>> appropriate for certain overrides? is there an easy way to
>> determine when to use one (NEXT or Class::C3) versus the other
>> (SUPER)?
> I don't remember the last time I used SUPER.
> Then again, I never use the debugger, I'm of the "you can have
> (printf|warn) when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers" debugging
> school :)
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michael reece :: software engineer :: mreece at vinq.com
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