[Catalyst] (Beginner) Plugins

Alejandro Imass alejandro.imass at gmail.com
Tue Oct 24 02:35:03 BST 2006

Wow, that was a prompt reply! I saw many of your plugins on CPAN!

I just want to manipulate some images on the backend before I send them to
the page. From just one base image I want to generate images of several
sizes, and do some fancy stuff like making a degradation to black on the
right side of an image (probably by layering a black degradation on top with
ImageMagick). In any case, it's just some server-side image processing
before I use them on the page. The cache will be handled by me, I mean each
processed image will have a special name (extending the base image's name)
and will reside in the orignal's image directory. I will be responsible for
checking time-stamps and all that (in case the original image changed I will
re-generate with the first request).

Any ideas welcome, and thanks again for  your help.

On 10/23/06, Yuval Kogman <nothingmuch at woobling.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 23, 2006 at 21:01:08 -0400, Alejandro Imass wrote:
> > I want to work with Image::Magick with Catalyst and I wondering if I
> need to
> > build a plugin or can I just use the Image::Magick module as-is. What
> are
> > the advantages, disadvantages or limitations I will find if I just use
> the
> > CPAN module as-is?
> What are you trying to achieve?
> 90% chance the answer you're looking for is to use it as-is.
> If you need to e.g. cache thumbnails, Catalyst::Plugin::Cache should
> help. Aside from that i don't see any reason why image manipulations
> of any sort would need catalyst app specific info/config.
> --
>   Yuval Kogman <nothingmuch at woobling.org>
> http://nothingmuch.woobling.org  0xEBD27418
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