[Catalyst] improving usability / doc
Kieren Diment
diment at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 23:35:15 GMT 2007
still sucks is a bit strong - there are a lot of very useful resources
out there, and many of them are quite a lot more example driven than
most other open source projects.
However if you want to contribute use svn or svk to get the repository:
svn co http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/Catalyst/
and provide us with patches to trunk/Catalyst-Manual or anywhere else
you think the docs are thin on the catalyst-dev mailing list. You'll
probably get commit yourself after a handful of sane patches :)
On 17/08/07, Adam Bartosik <adam.bartosik at hurra.com> wrote:
> I wonder how much better Catalyst doc would looks if the "top doc page",
> http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-Manual/ (linked from top catalyst page)
> had tutos in 1..9 order, not alphabetical?
> Is such change in naming eg:
> Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::1_Intro
> Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::2_CatalystBasics
> possible?
> There is also an open ticket for - maybe - this kind of work
> http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/ticket/82
> I just think how can I help in this process of improving documentation
> for my favorite framework. I am a perl programmer with strong experience
> of initiating new sites, promoting, advertising - nothing special but
> could be helpful to improve cata site.
> Take a look at doc pages of rails:
> http://rubyonrails.org/docs
> django:
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/
> or even not so popular mvc like Pylons
> http://wiki.pylonshq.com/display/pylonsdocs/Home
> How many people decided to take different framework just because
> catalyst doc still.... sucks?
> --
> Adam.Bartosik at hurra.com http://www.hurra-communications.com/
> $ o m e t e a m . d e v e l o p e r
> Hurra Communications, Krakow/Stuttgart/London/Paris/Madrid
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