[Catalyst] So, what do we want in the -next- book?

Richard Thomas ret at mac.com
Mon Mar 10 10:47:29 GMT 2008

On 10/03/2008, at 6:42 PM, Ali M. wrote:

> Books are just a way to make money, money makers, that is exploting
> the weakness in the online documentation.
> So please, don't be an extortionist, don't make a book ... write a
> wiki page in the new wiki!
> All we really need are more pages on wiki not a book!

I don't think terms like extortionist are particularly persuasive.  
Compared to some, the Catalyst book is well priced. I certainly  
didn't begrudge buying it.

Being able to point to the book-shelf and say "here is a book on  
Catalyst" is worth far more than you credit it. It doesn't matter how  
many wiki pages or online docs you can google up, the fact is that  
people making decisions about software/platforms will look more  
favourably upon a technology that has reached critical enough mass to  
warrant publication of a book. This is especially true in the FOSS  
arena, where there are plenty of projects that have been left to  
wither on the vine, despite how trendy-sounding, overblown or hip  
their website is.

Your average project manager (particularly one who isn't a  
technologist, and they tend to be better at the job they're supposed  
to be doing), will feel more comfortable that a book exists as  
reference material in their decision making process.

This is not to discourage use of the wiki or any other form of online  
doc or community, we as developers appreciate how valuable these  
resources are.

"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn
from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent
disinclination to do so." - Douglas Adams

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