[Catalyst] Nested calls to model does not work?
Alex Povolotsky
tarkhil at over.ru
Mon Mar 31 10:19:30 BST 2008
I've experienced strange problem displaying data. Minimal test case is
fairly big, I can attach it here, but will try to extract most important
Creating database (Pg)
create table parent (pid serial primary key, name varchar(64));
create table child (cid serial primary key, pid int not null references
parent(pid), name varchar(64));
create table record (rid serial primary key, cid int not null references
child(cid), message varchar(64));
insert into parent (name) values('parent');
insert into child (pid, name) values (1, 'child');
insert into record (cid, message) values (1, 'message one');
insert into record (cid, message) values (1, 'message two');
creating model and view
script/testcase_create.pl model Main DBIC::Schema Testcase::Schema
create=static dbi:Pg:dbname=testcase testcase
script/testcase_create.pl view Main TTSite
in Root controller, writing trivial
sub index : Local {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
$c->stash->{parent} = $c->model('Main::Parent')->search();
in index template, everything is trivial as well
[% META title = 'index' %]
[% WHILE (p = parent.next) %]
parent [% p.name %] has [% p.children.count %] children,
[% WHILE (child = p.children.next) %]
<li> [% child.name %] has [% child.records.count %] records,
[% WHILE (record = child.records.next) %]
<li>[% record.message %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
Output is disappointing
parent parent has children,
© 2008 Your Name Here
while we get
SELECT me.pid, me.name FROM parent me:
SELECT me.cid, me.pid, me.name FROM child me WHERE ( me.pid = ? ): '1'
SELECT me.cid, me.pid, me.name FROM child me WHERE ( me.pid = ? ): '1'
Attempt to dump (using Plugin::Dumper) p.children yields reasonable result.
What am I doing wrong?
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