[Catalyst] ACL Error: deny_access_unless

Gordon Stewart gordon at gorste.plus.com
Sat May 30 15:32:00 GMT 2009


I have created a test app tar ball and put it online.  The link is:


I have taken the test app that is online and changed it to use mason and the
most up to date version of catalyst.  Is it using the test database, I also
allowed it to use Catalyst::Authentication::Store::Minimal.   It can be
configured in the yml file.

I am using the following plugin modules, which I believe to be the most up
to date:

Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication  0.10011                                  
Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::ACL  0.11                                 
Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles  0.07                               
Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader  0.23                                       
Catalyst::Plugin::Session  0.22                                            
Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie  0.11                             
Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap  0.10                           
Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace  0.10                                         
Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple  0.21

Thank you for your help



-----Original Message-----
From: Tomas Doran [mailto:bobtfish at bobtfish.net] 
Sent: 28 May 2009 13:26
To: The elegant MVC web framework
Subject: Re: [Catalyst] ACL Error: deny_access_unless

Gordon Stewart wrote:
> I have created a test application to use
> 	Catalyst::Authentication::Store::Minimal
> But I am still having the same issue. 

Well, yes, I'd expect you would :)

The point of making a minimal test app was so you could show us, and we 
could download / play with something without having to setup a database 
etc to run your 'real' app, or wade through lots of code.

So, please show us? Either throw it on github, or stick a tarball online..

> How easy is it to downgrade catalyst 5.7012, which I know will work?

Just install it :)

Either download the tarball and perl Makefile.PL && make test && make 
install as usual, or you can ask the CPAN shell for 
AUTHORNAME/Package-X.YY.tgz and it'll install it.


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