[Catalyst] Template render in parts
Venish Khant
venish at deeproot.co.in
Tue Sep 8 07:24:55 GMT 2009
Here I given example which is working in CGI application.
use Template::Alloy;
use Net::LDAP;
my $tr = Template::Alloy->new(
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$tr->process("userlist.tt/header", {title => 'MyStore', date =>
sub search_result {
my ( $mesg, $entry) = @_;
if ( !defined($entry) ) {
if ($mesg->count == 0) {
my $dn = $entry->dn; # Obtain DN of this entry
my $cn = $entry->get_value( "cn", asref => 1 );
my $mail = $entry->get_value( "mail", asref => 1 );
my $uid = $entry->get_value( "uid", asref => 1 );
my $vars = {
dn => "$dn",
cn => "@$cn",
mail => "@$mail",
uid => "@$uid",
$tr->process("userlist.tt/UserList", $vars);
} # End of callback subroutine
$ldap = Net::LDAP->new('localhost') or die "$@";
dn => "uid=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=co,dc=in",
password => "admin"
$mesg = $ldap->search (
base => "dc=example,dc=co,dc=in",
scope => "sub",
filter => "uid=*",
attrs => ["dn", "cn", "mail", "uid"],
callback => \&search_result,
if ( $mesg->code ) {
$errstr = $mesg->code;
print "Error code: $errstr\n";
$tr->process("userlist.tt/footer", \%row);
[% BLOCK header ~%]
<title>my site - [% title %]</title>
<h4>The date is [% date %]</h4>
<table border=1>
[% END %]
[% BLOCK UserList ~%]
<td>[% dn %]</td>
<td>[% cn %]</td>
<td>[% mail %]</td>
<td>[% uid %]</td>
[% END %]
[% BLOCK footer ~%]
[% END %]
> Hi all,
> I am trying to display the LDAP search entries using 'callback' option in
> the search method.
> I have been successful in handling the callback option and got 'one by
> one
> result'.
> But I found a problem in displaying the search entries in a Template
> using
> the catalyst framework.
> I want to display LDAP search entries in TT. But I want to show the
> search
> entries directly.
> When I receive the first search result, I want to show it (that
> result) in
> TT and the back-end process should automatically search the second entry
> and so on.
> Similarly, when I get the second search result, I want to show that
> result in TT and similarly the back-end process should automatically
> search the next entry and so on.
> It means when I get the search results directly, it should be ideally
> displayed in the TT without waiting for all the search results.
> For this mechanism, I used the Net::LDAP search method. Search method
> provides callback option to return one by one search results.
> For the template, I used Template::Alloy module. I used both modules
> (i.e.
> Net::LDAP and Template::Alloy) in my CGI application. Both work
> perfectly.
> Now I want to use this mechanism in Catalyst applications as well. I
> searched and designed the following module
> Catalyst::Helper::View::TT::Alloy. I believe it should work perfectly in
> place of the Template::Alloy module. Could you please give your
> comments/insights on this as I'm not completely sure about it.
> It would also be of immense help if you could refer me some other module
> which would/could work in place of the Template::Alloy module
> perfectly in
> the Catalyst framework for different applications.
> I would be grateful if any one help me how to access this module with
> Catalyst framework.
> Looking forward to a prompt response.
Venish Khant
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