[Catalyst] Question about Chained Controller
Eden Cardim
edencardim at gmail.com
Mon Nov 15 16:53:29 GMT 2010
>>>>> "Charlie" == Charlie Garrison <garrison at zeta.org.au> writes:
Charlie> I've never bothered to find out why, but I've run into
Charlie> situations where $c->user_exists returns true and $c->user
Charlie> returns false. I just check for defined($c->user) instead
Charlie> and that solved it for me.
Probably a mangled session?
Charlie> I also agree with other users that auto is a better place
Charlie> to do that check.
Chaining is a lot more powerful because it allows you to distribute
responsibilities hierarchically throughout several actions:
package MyApp::Controller::Root;
sub foo :Chained('/') CaptureArgs(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
$c->detach unless $c->user_exists;
sub do_something :Chained('foo') Args(0) {}
sub bar :Chained('foo') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(0) {
my($self, $c) = @_;
$c->detach unless $c->assert_user_roles('bar_level_users');
sub do_something_else :Chained('bar') Args(0) {}
It also gives you a lot more flexbility, given you can change the
chaining via config:
Chained foo
The above configuration will eliminate the check for the
'bar_level_users' role before running do_something_else.
Eden Cardim Need help with your perl Catalyst or DBIx::Class project?
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