[Catalyst] Sending Email from Page?
Kutbuddin Doctor
ksdoctor at sanfordburnham.org
Mon Mar 21 16:45:53 GMT 2011
Can someone post instructions for using postfix withing catalyst?
I have been seeing several (earlier) posts recommending Email::Sender.
I see instructions in Email::Sender for SMTP and sendmail, but no config
options for postfix. I was only able to find Postfix mentioned in
unrelated Perl modules (Mail::Postfix::Postdrop).
So if you have a local postfix running, how do you send an email to that
service from within catalyst? I'm hoping the example will show how to
setup connections to server in MyApp.pm and use it throughout the
catalyst application.
On 3/21/11 7:16 AM, Jorge Gonzalez wrote:
> I really don't see the point in using an Email model. Just use the email
> sending module from the controller (Mail::Builder::Simple or whatever)
> and setup a local postfix which accepts outbound emails from local
> connections, and you're done. All queuing will be done by postfix, where
> it belongs.
> You need to install a local mail server so that the Catalyst app does
> not get stuck trying to send. We can assume that messages sent from
> localhost will be handed over to the local MTA pretty quickly (besides
> corner cases like full mailspool and the like). This MTA can be a
> full-blown one, or one configured to use use a smart host.
> Catalyst offers you some posibilities, but it does not force you to use
> them. To me, using a model for sending email is like hammering a nail
> with a screw driver. You can surely do it, but it's simpler to use the
> hammer. Even if you have a fancy screw driver. :-)
> Regards
> J.
> El 21/03/11 08:51, John M. Dlugosz escribió:
>> On 3/21/2011 1:48 AM, Octavian Rasnita orasnita-at-gmail.com
>> |Catalyst/Allow to home| wrote:
>>> You can use any of them or Catalyst::Helper::Model::Email. The plugin
>>> is no longer recommended.
>> It looks like "helper" just installs a dummy Model that calls
>> Mail::Builder::Simple. So I thought I'd just call that. But, there
>> is no documentation as to the return value, and the code appears to
>> return 1 if it makes it to the end. But what does it return on error,
>> and where is the error particulars?
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Kutbuddin Doctor, PhD
Bioinformatics Shared Resource,
Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute
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