[Dbix-class] Re: Schema Loader problem

abhijith abhijithg at deeproot.co.in
Mon Jan 8 13:33:32 GMT 2007

> You don't. A lot of stuff happens at compile time that isn't  
> effectively repeatable. Your best bet is probably to do
> touch lib/MyApp.pm
> to force the -r reload to fire.

Took your advice. But... touching MyApp.pm doesn't help solve the
We ll have to touch lib/MyApp/SchemaClass.pm in order for it to reload
the schema. 

+ package MyApp::SchemaClass;
+ use strict;
+ use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader/;
+ __PACKAGE__->loader_options(
+     relationships => 1,
+      debug => 1,
+ );

Thanks a million for your advice! :)

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