[Dbix-class] Memory usage, something hanging on?
Matt S Trout
dbix-class at trout.me.uk
Mon Jan 8 16:59:20 GMT 2007
On 8 Jan 2007, at 15:51, Adam Sjøgren wrote:
> Hi.
> In a Catalyst application I am working on, in which we use
> DBIx::Class, server.pl just grew to use over 300MB ram, staying that
> size from then on.
> I've tried to replicate what happens, and hope someone will comment on
> whether this is expected behaviour, or something else.
> To test this, I create a testdb, and make a simple table:
> CREATE TABLE testtable (
> id serial,
> title text,
> fill text,
> primary key (id)
> );
> TestDB.pm:
> package TestDB;
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;
> __PACKAGE__->load_classes();
> 1;
> TestDB/Testtable.pm:
> package TestDB::Testtable;
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use base 'DBIx::Class';
> __PACKAGE__->load_components('PK::Auto', 'Core');
> __PACKAGE__->table('testtable');
> __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw(id title fill));
> __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id');
> 1;
> I fill this table with rather large records:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use TestDB;
> my $schema=TestDB->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=testdb;host=localhost",
> "user", "pass", { AutoCommit=>0 });
> my $long_string='afahabada' x 20000;
> my $i=0;
> while ($i<1000) {
> $schema->resultset('TestDB::Testtable')->create({
> title=>'title_' . $i++,
> fill=>
> $long_string,
> });
> }
> $schema->txn_commit;
> Then I keep an eye on memory usage (watch 'ps aux | grep [p]erl')
> while running this simple test-script:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use TestDB;
> my $schema=TestDB->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=testdb;host=localhost",
> "user", "pass", { AutoCommit=>0 });
> do_search();
> print "sleeping\n";
> sleep 10000;
> exit 0;
> sub do_search {
> my $xs=$schema->resultset('TestDB::Testtable')->search();
> print $xs->count . "\n";
> while (my $x=$xs->next) {
> ;
> }
> }
> What happens is that the memory usage grows to ~250MB when ->search()
> is called. This, I sort of expected.
> But when do_search() returns, the memory is still in use. The only way
> I can make it not be so, is by terminating the script or calling
> $schema->storage->disconnect. I would guess the memory should be freed
> when $xs goes out of scope(-ish)?
> If I call do_search() multiple times, memory usage falls when a new
> do_search() is started, then climbs to reach approximately the same
> maximum, suggesting that it is not really a leak and that the lump is
> freed just before a new one is being built up. This is just guessing
> on my part, though.
Sadly, I think I can tell you exactly what this is, and if I'm right
it's nothing we can help you with :(
DBD::Pg doesn't use cursors, it fetches the entire data into local
memory. DBIx::Class uses prepare_cached to get the $sth.
So, I believe what you're seeing is DBD::Pg fetching the full dataset
and not releasing it until the $sth is re-executed by the next search.
Try forcing the $dbh to disconnect at the end of do_search and see if
that drops the memory.
Matt S Trout, Technical Director, Shadowcat Systems Ltd.
Offering custom development, consultancy and support contracts for
DBIx::Class and BAST. Contact mst (at) shadowcatsystems.co.uk for
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