[Dbix-class] Can't locate object method "new" via package "DBIx::Class::ResultSource::Table

Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior acid06 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 20:44:42 GMT 2007

On 1/31/07, Thomas Klausner <domm at cpan.org> wrote:
> Any ideas where to look?

This probably means that DBIx::Class isn't installed at all (or that
they installed a fairly old pre-DBIx::Class::Schema version)


  perl -MDBIx::Class -e 'print $DBIx::Class::VERSION'

And see the results. It'll likely complain that it can't locate the
module. If it doesn't then you'll see what sort of possibly ancient
version you've got there.

-Nilson Santos F. Jr.

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