[Dbix-class] Patch roundup time, again.

Matt S Trout dbix-class at trout.me.uk
Sun Oct 5 22:23:48 BST 2008

Trunk works.

It's almost time to start the release cycle.

I -know- that due to fighting the multi-create and new_related stuff, I've
dropped patches people have sent.

I know that's my fault.

I'm still going to make you guys re-send them :)

Any outstanding patches, please send to this thread. Can somebody also
go through rt.cpan.org and work out if there's anything on there we need
to apply as well?

Also, can somebody poke at the views branch and get it pulled from trunk so
we can merge that please? groditi doesn't have time and I'm not sure I can
get to it soon enough.

      Matt S Trout       Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class project?
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