[Epo-grants-in-progress] Re: Request for information re: grant proposal #1

Robin Smidsrød robin at smidsrod.no
Thu Jul 23 11:54:44 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Mark Keating wrote:

> We are going to organise that for you, in fact I have bcc'd the original
> member who proposed the document bounty.

My original suggestion was as follows:
- ----------
I would like to suggest an update to POE docs. With the rise of Moose, I
can see a lot of uses to mix and blend the two to form servers with
OO-based dispatch, better event driven GUI applications with clear
separation of concerns and other things.

The way things are now (on poe.perl.org) it's kind of spread all over
the place and it would be nice if someone could structure it better,
from the standpoint of a newcomer to POE. Event driven architecture is
very different from procedural (and for that matter OO-based)
programming, so some introductory information about terminology and
potential articles/books on the subject would be nice to include.

I would also suggest maybe to add another layer on top of the website
that identifies you (the visitor) based on competency level, this way
it's easier to get started. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of docs there,
they just need better organization.
- ----- snip ------------

>> A summary of what I've done so far:
>> I recently completed an overhaul of POE's documentation to what might
>> be considered "second draft" quality.  The current documentation may
>> be browsed online at http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?POE
>> In April I began upgrading poe.perl.org's software and style.  This
>> month I have started focusing on content, as you can see at
>> http://poe.perl.org/?RecentChanges .  Over 50 dead pages have been
>> removed, and several have been revised or completely rewritten.  I
>> plan to touch nearly the entire site before I consider this renovation
>> complete.

> Sopunds like you have made healthy progress. I hope to get some more
> discussion going on this soon.

I hope that this can give you an indication on what I had in mind when I
suggested that the POE documentation needed some improvements.

If you need more details, please clarify what is unclear.

Robin Smidsrød

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