[Handel] Handel 0.99_05 Released
Jan Gerene
jan at gerene.be
Fri Aug 11 15:40:19 CEST 2006
Op donderdag 10 augustus 2006 03:29, schreef Christopher H. Laco:
> At this point, I think I'm close to being done rearranging the API and
> there's even a good bit of compat tests for those -4 people using the
> old API in subclasses. Now that the big stuff is out of the way, it's
> time to get busy reworking the Catalyst helpers and I still need to fix
> the demo code and get some good Cookbook stuff in place.
> -=Chris
Do you think it is a good time to switch over to the new version of Handel, or
do you suggest that I wait until the final release is there. I am still
developing my code, but I will need to go production soon. However, I would
like to go production with the latest version.
If I upgrade now, would the code generated by the "old" helpers still work
(i.e. controllers, views) or should I wait until new helpers are availalbe
too (in fact invalidating all my current work).
Best regards,
Jan Gerené
Heikant 99
2560 Bevel
tel. +32-32971252
gsm. +32-475-406294
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