[Handel] Handel 0.99_06 Released
Christopher H. Laco
claco at chrislaco.com
Sat Aug 26 04:06:06 CEST 2006
THe latest dev version is out. We're getting close. I'm done futzing
with storage I think, and the Catalyst Models/Model Helpers have been
reworked. All tests pass (except for perl_critic.t). Tomorrow I start on
the rest of the Cat code.
* Simplified Storage->setup and removed clear/reset nonsense
* Added Spanish lexion provided by Diego Kuperman
* Abstracted Iterator and added subclasses for lists, DBIC
resultsets and storage results
* Added result_iterator_class to Base using default of
* Storage now leaves DBIC result_class alone and returns
Handel::Iterator::DBIC iterators for search/search_items
* Cart/Order now use Handel::Iterator::Results iterator
* Split DBIC specific storage into Storage::DBIC w/ massive tests
* Started moving news tests to Handel::Test w/ better db deploy/var
* Split Manual Storage into Storage/Storage::DBIC
* Added param checks to many Storage methods
* Replaced old Makefile warnings w/ mention of Test::More and
DateTime compares
* Added Perl::Critic tests for my personal gratification. None pass
yet. :-)
* currency_columns gets/sets list instead of arrayrefs to better
match generic columns/primary_columns
* Bumped DBIC requirement to 0.08 (use -current for now)
* Reworked Catalyst Helpers for Models (Controllers are still broken)
-------------- next part --------------
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