[Handel] Looking Ahead: Handel 1.0 and Mango
Christopher H. Laco
claco at chrislaco.com
Fri Mar 31 16:58:53 CEST 2006
Uwe Voelker wrote:
> Hello Chris,
>> http://handelframework.com/wiki/1.0
>> Move from CDBI to DBIC
> Is it really necessary to concentrate on just on orm? Can you support
> more than one orm?
Well, since you're using the Handel API, and not the ORM API underneath,
what would be the point of supporting more than one ORM? Speed? What's
installed on the server?
Maybe you could elaborate on the matter.
With that said, I think the change towards using delegation will better
allow people to write their one ORM API layer if they want to.
For example, the Handel::Cart::new() would look something like this:
package Handel::Cart;
sub new {
my $cart = shift->schema->resultset('Cart')->new(\%data);
return $cart ? bless{source => $cart} : undef;
If you wanted to use CDBI, or RoseDB, etc you would just need to
shoehorn it into, and make it act like the schema API.
I'm using DBIC because it's very flexibile, and allows me to delegate to
it, rather than subclass it. It goes to great lengths to abstract its
API (Like use Storage::XMLRPC instead of Storeage::DBI).
I feel that any effort by Handel to put another layer between itself and
DBIC Schemas is a waste of effort since DBIC already does most of the
heavy lifting of abstraction.
> And a second (not related) question: I like your website, especially the
> integration of blog, wiki and svn viewer. Can you make the project open
> source? I would like to use it for my personal web site.
It's Catalyst based. The blog is simple static TT files spit out by
MovableType. The wiki is a quick home grown controller based on
MiniMojo. The source viewer just uses the SVN model I tossed together.
I'll toss it into the repo this evening.
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