[html-formfu] File element issues
Diego Kuperman
diego at freekeylabs.com
Wed Dec 26 10:29:07 GMT 2007
I'm having some issues when handling file elements, I'm using FormFu
from Catalyst:
* If I put the constraint "required" on a file field then
form->submitted_and_valid is always false, but the form->param and
$c->req->upload gave the file element ok!.
My yml description looks like this (I stripped aditional fields)
indicator: submit
auto_fieldset: { legend : 'Song data' }
- type: File
name: songfile
label: MP3/OGG File
- Required
- type: Submit
name: submit
value: Save song
* When I access to the file at the controller, taking the constraint out
or not, it is ok, but I can't use all the methods available for
Catalyst::Request:Upload objects.
I looked on the source and figured out that what I get is a FormFu
object that wrap the original and pass to it the messages, so it is
possible to add more gateway methods into
/HTML/FormFu/QueryType/Catalyst.pm to get access to all the methods
provided by the wrapped object:
=== lib/HTML/FormFu/QueryType/Catalyst.pm
--- lib/HTML/FormFu/QueryType/Catalyst.pm (revision 2054)
+++ lib/HTML/FormFu/QueryType/Catalyst.pm (local)
@@ -65,4 +65,40 @@
return $self->_param->slurp;
+sub basename {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->_param->basename;
+sub copy_to {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->_param->copy_to;
+sub link_to {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->_param->link_to;
+sub size {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->_param->size;
+sub tempname {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->_param->tempname;
+sub type {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->_param->type;
I had tried it and works for me, I don't know if it is the best way or
the best place... but if it is ok, I can push it to the svn.
I'm very new to FormFu, I'm doubting why is there the need to wrap the
Upload at all... Why $form->param('uploaded_file_field') doesn't return
just the C::R::Upload object when running under Catalyst?... or to have
some other way to access the "original" object like:
sub get_upload_object {
return $_[0]->_param;
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