[html-formfu] How-to: complex radiogroup/date/select/text element

Jens Schwarz blacky6767 at gmx.de
Fri Sep 11 06:14:51 GMT 2009


I want to create a more complex element that seems (to me) like a radiogroup. But I can't get it to work.
That's the (not working) FormFu-YML-Code I have right now:
- type: Radiogroup
  name: complexelement
    - type: Date
      name: foo
    - type: Select
      name: bar
    - type: Text
      name: baz

To better explain, what I am up to, I have uploaded a mockup picture to Imageshack: http://img15.imageshack.us/i/examplezk.png .
Any idea on how I can accomplish this?


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