[html-formfu] HTML-FormFu 0.07002 released to cpan

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Thu Jun 24 10:18:56 GMT 2010

HTML-FormFu 0.07002 has just been uploaded to cpan.
It should be available on search.cpan.org within a couple of hours.

This fixes the problems installing on perl 5.8.x

Thanks to everyone who contributed!
The complete Changes listing is below

0.07002 2010-06-24

    - Fix: Use MRO::Compat before mro to support perl 5.8

    - Fix: Date and ComboBox elements need to run deflators before trying to
      use any default value - reported by Matija Grabnar.

    - Overloading comparisons no longer assume both arguments are a blessed
      object - change needed for latest Test::More (Test-Simple-0.95_02)

    - Change Element::Date to not use deprecated DateTime::Locale methods.

    - Bump DateTime::Locale and DateTime::Format::Strptime required versions
      as DateTime::Locale Changes file has no mention of when the methods
      we're now using were added.

    - Removed Regexp::Copy from prereqs.

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