[html-formfu] Dev release with faster test suite

Moritz Onken onken at netcubed.de
Wed May 11 16:49:18 GMT 2011

Hi everyone,

ever since Moose was introduced, the test suite of FormFu took minutes to finish. This is both a pain for developers, because the test run costs valuable time. And installing FormFu is a pain for users because it takes ages.

Instead of running each file individually, Test::Aggregate loads all files and runs them in one process. I modified the Makefile.PL and tests to work properly.

I'd appreciate it if you could try to install the dev release and tell me if everything worked fine. If Test::Aggregate is not installed, it will fall back to the slow installation. So if you could install FormFu without and with T::A installed, that'd be great. There are no functional changes to the 0.09003 release.

The tarball can be downloaded from http://cpan.cpantesters.org/authors/id/P/PE/PERLER/HTML-FormFu-0.09003_01.tar.gz.



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