[Xml-compile] XML::Compile::SOAP and PSGI

Jason Rodrigues jasonjayr+xmlcompile at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 12:54:02 GMT 2011


I haven't looked @ your code yet, but I've just done something similar
and have been using it for production for about a month now.
Transport is limited to HTTP, obviously, but the end goal was to make
it easy for our devs to expose soap methods to .net clients.

My code is not yet on github, but it ought to be.  With my system, I'm
using Class::MOP, and a hacked up Pod::WSDL bolted on as a wsdl
generator, you only have hand it a class filled with definitions like:

soap_method 'test',
   OUTPUT=>[response=>'String'], sub {
      my ($self, $args) = @_;
        my $name= $args->{Name};

        return {response=>"hello $name"};


It'll even generate a page similar to how .asmx does it, where you can
examine the methods @ the endpoint, and see what params ought to be
passed to it. (No test form yet)

Ideally, I ought to introspect Moose types to generate the WSDL more
directly, but I'm still learning Moose, and had some prior experience
w/ Pod::WSDL.

It needs a bit of polish, and the integration needs better testing,
but I'd be happy to merge  in some of my stuff. If you'd like,  I'll
probably fork your project on github and send a few patches your way.
I'm running the whole thing under starman, and it's working pretty
well for us.

FWIW, I like the name you propose...


On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 6:26 AM, Chris Andrews <chris at nodnol.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> There was some traffic here a few weeks ago about wrapping an
> XML::Compile::SOAP service up as a PSGI app. I needed to do this in
> the last few days, so I've started such a module:
>  https://github.com/chrisa/perl-XMLCompileSOAP-PSGI
> It is most assuredly not ready for primetime - there is no CPAN
> release yet - but the basic functionality of exposing SOAP methods
> does work, as does hosting of the WSDL for download. I am finding it
> useful in building a small app composed from some pages served by
> Dancer alongside a SOAP interface served through this module.
> I have a question - the name. Would XML::Compile::SOAP::PSGI be
> appropriate, or should it live elsewhere?
> Cheers,
> Chris.
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