[Xml-compile] Re: problems with sending SOAP headers
Karen Etheridge
perl at froods.org
Wed Sep 12 20:39:09 GMT 2012
Follow-up... I've done a data dump of $wsdl->operation($operation_name)
and I see both key_for_header and key_for_body in the input_def field --
however, key_for_header is in an arrayref. This suggests that the WSDL is
*not* incomplete, but I am just passing the arguments wrong - but what is
the correct way?
that is, the operation object contains:
bless( {
'input_def' => {
'body' => {
'use' => 'literal',
'parts' => [
'name' => 'key_for_body_Request',
'element' => '{namespace}key_for_body'
'name' => 'key_for_body_Request',
'procedure' => 'key_for_body_Request',
'message' => ...,
'header' => [
'use' => 'literal',
'parts' => [
'name' => 'head',
'element' => '{namespace}key_for_header'
'part' => 'head',
'message' => ...,
On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 11:38:16AM -0700, Karen Etheridge wrote:
> I'm having difficulty in using XML::Compile::WSDL11 to send a message with
> a <soapenv:Header> element. When I pass my arguments (body and header
> elements) to the compiled subref with trace mode on, I see "warning: unused
> values <header element>".
> Am I right in concluding that (barring any bugs in XML::Compile itself),
> this means that the WSDL is not properly written to indicate the presence
> of this header element for this operation (I don't speak enough WSDL to know if
> this is the case, but I'm reading through the W3C docs to make this
> determination)?
> I'm doing this, roughly:
> use XML::Compile::WSDL11;
> use XML::Compile::SOAP11;
> use XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP;
> my $wsdl = XML::Compile::WSDL11->new($wsdlfile);
> $wsdl->importDefinitions($_) foreach @xsd_files;
> my $call = $wsdl->compileClient($operation);
> my ($answer, $trace) = $call->(
> {
> key_for_header => { ... },
> key_for_body => { ... },
> },
> 'UTF-8',
> );
> I've also tried passing args
> {
> Header => { key_for_header => { ... } },
> Body => { key_for_body => { ... } },
> }
> ..with the same results.
> Is there anything else I can do other than fix the WSDL to insert these
> elements in the request? I cannot find anything in the documentation about
> manually inserting extra arguments that the WSDL does not recognize.
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. . . . .
Karen Etheridge, karen at etheridge.ca GCS C+++$ USL+++$ P+++$ w--- M++
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