[Dbix-class] info Oracle: executing sql code for sequences or lock
Igor Longagnani c/o Synervis
i.longagnani at synervis.it
Fri Jan 19 12:59:28 GMT 2007
Thanx Jess,
your suggestions are much more precious now cause you gave me nice clues I wasn't able to guess through DBIx::Class CPAN documentation.
When i meant "left to the programmer" i was actually referring exactly to what you meant ( left to the DB ), in fact, in this particular case, i have to address both programming and DB issues :) ( so it is always a programmer TODO task :) )
Illface new tasks with some more weapons loaded now ...
'til the next level :)
>----- Original Message -----
>From: castaway at desert-island.demon.co.uk
>To: dbix-class at lists.rawmode.org
>Data: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 09:24:01 +0000 (GMT)
>Subject: Re: [Dbix-class] info Oracle: executing sql code for sequences or lock
>Hi Igor,
>On Thu, 18 Jan 2007, Igor Longagnani wrote:
>> Hi Jess,
>> thanks for your precious information, but still ican't figure out how to
>> do this even if the big picture is clear:
>>> No, if you just make sure you have the primary key set to
>>> "is_auto_increment" in the add_columns, then copy will automatically
>>> empty that field for you, and it should work just the same as when you
>>> use ->create. (If that works, I assuming you are using triggers and
>>> sequences?)
>>> Jess
>> 1) what do you mean by "empty that field for me" ...? you mean that
>> DBIx recognizes the "is_auto_increment" attribute so leaving to the
>> programmer the responsiblity of producing those values?
>I mean that copy will set the value of the field to a null value, so that,
>just like a normal initial insert, your database should automagically fill
>in the new next sequence value for you. (Assuming thats what your create
>currently does). Thats the opposite of what you suggested,
>"is_auto_increment" lets DBIx::Class know that your database (or triggers
>in your database) will fill that field.
>> 2) the primary key is multifield and ... I could , but no i don't think
>> triggers are being used ON BEFORE INSERT to call any sequence, at present
>> what would you suggest?
>Hmm, without worrying about copying or updating, start from a simple
>beginning. What do you do to create a new object/row in this table?
>$schema->resultset('Tabname')->create({ center => 'foo',
> altno => '(select max(altno)+1
>from tabname where center='foo')',
> codpat => undef });
>DBIx::Class's PK::Auto assumes that your database will fill sequence
>values for you. If you don't have a database trigger to do that, I suggest
>you try PK::Sequence, which is in the mailing list somewhere..
>> I do re-post here the rules for the multi field primary key:
>> I have some table, lets say TABNAME (n.b. =$table in the Perl
>> excerpt),
>> with a multifield primary-key (CENTER,ALTNO,CODPAT):
>> Rules for subkeys are:
>> CENTER doesnt change
>> ALTNOis max(ALTNO) where CENTER = <current CENTER value>
>> CODPAT s taken form a sequence
>> thanks again for your fast and detailed help.
>> Igor
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