[Dbix-class] memcached

Ash Berlin ash_cpan at firemirror.com
Wed Jan 24 21:57:09 GMT 2007

Jim Spath wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for how to properly use 
> memcached (http://www.danga.com/memcached/) with DBIx::Class.
> When one tries to store a resultset in memcached, you get the error 
> "Can't store CODE items", which makes sense.
> It seems like I really only have one choice, which is to create a 
> string/arrayref/hashref of the data returned from the resultset before 
> storing it in memcached and using it in my code.  But that feels a 
> little ugly to me.
> Any ideas?
> - Jim
> PS - I'm running running both DBIx::Class and Cache::Memcached under 
> Catalyst, if it matters.

IIRC the CODE segment it is refereeing to is in fact the dbh deep down 
in storage.

In the -current branch (which is due for release soon) we completely 
refactored how objects and result sets keep hold of their 
ResultSource's. Instead of storing a direct reference to a ResultSource, 
they now store a tuple of (source_name,schema)

This has the added benefit that you can store only the source_name when 
you put an RS into memcached, and re-attach it to the schema when you 
read it out.


The above file has freeze and thaw hooks for Storable, but bear in mind 
that the schema is not automatically reattached (couldn't work out a 
good way of doing it) so you'd have to come up with a way of expressing 
it or just do something hacky like:


But please don't do that, cos it will break horribly in all kinds of cases.

</incoherent ramblings>


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